We are having extreme difficulty after trying for more than two months to repatriate our two cats (age less than 3 years tabby male; age less than 2 years black and white female) home.
I am wondering if Karuna can help shelter and find them new homes?
We are more than happy to give a generous donation for their care until a home is found.
They are both fully vaccinated and spayed
Thank you so much for your kind consideration.
Hope to hear from you soon.
站长回复 :
Hi Jesse, I'm sorry to tell you that there are no more cat houses for more cats in our shelter. Each room is overloaded. However, you can add my wechat, 13794497660, and send me some photos of your cat. If there is someone come or call me for adoption, I will Introduce your cat first. But don't expect too much, because only 1-2 families adopt cats here every week, and most people like to adopt kittens. So please keep trying to find out if any friends are willing to adopt them.